Redefining Audience Engagement


Workshop: Redefining Audience Engagement

As arts and culture organizations grapple with massive societal shifts, their intended programming may be on hold, but their audience relationships most certainly are not. Building upon Tom O’Connor’s piece, Engaging Arts Audiences in a Time of Trauma,” TOCG is now offering virtual workshops for cultural organizations interested in rethinking their relationships to audiences and planning for the best ways to center them in plans for reopening.

How It Works

In this 2-3 hour strategy session, the TOCG Team will work with your team (up to 10 people) to:

  • Train your organization on our audience engagement approach based on Trauma-Informed Care, a prevalent framework in medical and behavioral health settings. 

  • Share best practices on using a trauma-informed approach to meaningfully and authentically re-engage audiences.

  • Help you to craft your own plan that puts your audiences at your center, and features the six guiding principles of Trauma-Informed Care, and how they may apply to your organization. 

Who Should Attend

This workshop is designed for a mix of executive leadership and directors/managers from audience-centric departments. Board member participation is also encouraged.

What You Will Come Away With

  • An understanding of how a trauma-informed approach can be applied to audience engagement by intentionally using audience perspectives as guiding principles. 

  • A new, responsive engagement strategy for the various segments of your audience.

  • A roadmap to put that strategy into action.

  • A follow-up evaluation tool to measure the impact of your strategy.

Register your interest using this form or contact us to discuss further.