Artistic Director

Marin Theatre Company (MTC) seeks its next Artistic Director(s) to partner with Managing Director/CEO Meredith Suttles in rebuilding and evolving one of Marin’s most vibrant cultural institutions. MTC is eager to re-imagine a new future and seeks a leader(s) who wants to engage in curating intentional artistic experiences that positively impact the surrounding community. MTC welcomes applications and submissions from an individual or from a team who aspire to share this exciting role, and additional context can be found in the application instructions.

Following the tumultuous years of the immediate pandemic that disrupted the entire theatre and live performing arts field, MTC is in a moment of possibility and renewal that calls for a daring, people-first leader. A new Artistic Director will have the opportunity to partner with a small but motivated staff (most of whom have tenure of no more than three years with the company) to execute a dynamic vision focused on realizing MTC’s potential–a vision aligned with the company and the community’s values, and a vision that reflects a diversity of perspectives and highlights the vibrant talent in the local community. 

The search is being led by Tom O’ Connor, President, and Sarah Williams, Consultant.

The priority application deadline has now passed, but applications will still be reviewed until the search is formally closed.

Click below for the full description and the online application.


Senior Director of People


Coming Soon: Director of Programming